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Cod: 00000000064414 - Art: PN28Z-3ZPB05-1554 - Bar: 8055193357655


Men's Jacket Train Visibility

Men's jacket Train Visibility-front


Cod: 00000000064414
Art: PN28Z-3ZPB05-1554
Bar: 8055193357655

Men's Jacket Train Visibility

135,00   SCONTO 50%
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The men's jacket Train Visibility is included in the new line for spring / summer 2018 of EA7.

The logo EA7 printed on the front of the new jacket, Train Visibility ensures the authenticity of the garment, guaranteeing a use, long-lasting.

The hood pull-out allows you to keep it when the days don't require the use and detach it quickly when you need it.

The two side pockets in the jacket, Train Visibility, they feature a zip closure to store safely your personal items and have them always at hand.

To deal with the unpredictable spring days, you choose the jacket EA7 Train Visibility and you will feel comfortable from the first use.

Scheda tecnica

Hood removable
Logo to the front
Full zip front
Pockets with zip closure

Zero costi aggiuntivi per tutte le spedizioni in Italia.
Spediamo il prodotto entro 24/48 ore.
Ricevi la merce in 1/3 giorni lavorativi dall'ordine.

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