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Cod: 00000000091522 - Art: 187-10-050 - Bar: 8055193850880


Artificial Dancer Frog 45 mm

Artificial Dancer Frog 45 mm brown gold


Cod: 00000000091522
Art: 187-10-050
Bar: 8055193850880

Artificial Dancer Frog 45 mm

9,90   DISCOUNT 25%
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The Artificial Dancer Frog 45 mm of Rapture is a bait that imitates a frog, from the rubber body tender quarry.

It has a good lanciabilità and it has an excellent buoyancy in the water. just as if it were a frog true.

The legs of the Artificial Dancer Frog are composed of clumps of elastic silicone, which guarantees a very good mobility, and not let it get entangled in the obstacles. Features of ami double razor sharp adamantium, strong and thick, that allow you to get caught up on large prey.

Inside the Dancer Frog is a small sphere, able to make her perceive even at long distances or when it is used in waters where there is a lot of vegetation. This sphere can be removed to increase the buoyancy of the lure.

Data sheet

Length: 4.5 cm
Weight: 1/4 oz (7 gr)

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