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Cod: 00000000101095 - Art: 90066337 -


Training Computer M430 GPS

Training Computer M430 GPS


Cod: 00000000101095
Art: 90066337

Training Computer M430 GPS

199,00   DISCOUNT 40%
product not available

Polar M430 is a running watch with integrated GPS and the reading of the frequency from the wrist to 6 leds, for a reliable measurement.

The Polar M430 measures the heart rate directly from the wrist with the optical reader, 6-led, so no need to bands additional.

M430 is an activity tracker to monitor activity 24 hours on 24 and is fully configurable from the smartphone. TheActivity tracker 24/7, it monitors daily activity, steps, calories and sleep analysis.

On this heart rate monitor, which is a real minicomputer, there are notices with vibration, the lap manual and automatic, and up to 20 profiles sports can be set with data screens for each profile to be customized.

The Function of the Running Index, currency training, the provision of travel and allows you to follow your Running Program Fitness Test can be done by detection
of the heart rate from the wrist.

Measure speed, distance and altitude with integrated GPS with Assisted GPS, also available in a power saving mode to increase the autonomy up to 30 hours.

With customizable profiles and the advanced features Polar travel for other sports.

The accelerometer allows you to report speed, distance, and cadence indoors
using the accelerometer. Elevation and elevation difference are reported, instead, through the use of GPS.

Data sheet

Display altsplay high lay high coy high contad alto contra alto contrastlto contrast,or contrast, rcontrasto, revntrasto, reverrasto, reversisto, reversibio, reversible, reversible ieversibile in ersibile in alsibile in allebile in allenale in training. in allenamentn trainingInamento
Impostazibr>Settings>Settings settings diostazioni of ptazioni of prozioni of profioni of profilii profiles sdi profile spo profiles sportrofili sport, wireless sport, sc li sports, card, sports, schermport, schermatrt, screens , screens and screens and pihermate and pianrmate and plans ate plans and die and plans to ae plans allpiani of allenani of allenami of allenamendi workouts workouts workouts ancenamenti ancheamenti also teeth also even tell you on the psu also direttanche direttamehe directly directly irettamente daettamente dalltamente from the mind by the smnte by smare from the smartpdallo smartphollo smartphoneo smartphone tsmartphone traartphone tramitphone tramitehone through lne via the via the appramite the app Pmite the app Polte the app the Polar app the Polar F app Polar Flopp Polar Flow< Polar FlowNar Flow
Not Flow
Notification br>Notification>Notification cotifica of chiifica of chiamica call calls,calls, m calls, meshiamate, messaamate, messaggate, messages, messages, ri messages riceessaggi ricevusaggi ricevutiggi received received sulricevuti sullocevuti on the svuti on the smati on the smart on the smartphullo smartphonlo smartphone smartphone (pmartphone (perrtphone (for the iphone (for iOSone (for iOS 9e (for iOS 9.0(for iOS 9.0 eer iOS 9.0 and p iOS 9.0 and perOS 9.0 and 9.0, and for And.0 and for Andro for Android for Android 5er Android 5.0 Android 5.0 ondroid 5.0 or sroid 5.0 or sucid 5.0 or substiş 5.0 or success.0 or y ear or later) following)following)




Weight: 56 grammso: 56 grams : 56 grams grams
Thickness: r>Thickness: 11Spessore: 11 messore: 11 mm thickness: 11 mm M11 mm
Mat mm
Materialebr>Material: >Material: poateriale: polieriale: poliuriale: poliuretle: poliuretan polyurethane,polyurethane, sliuretano, siluretano, silicetano, siliconano, silicone, or silicone and silicone and acilicone and acciicone and acciaione and steel and steel and related steel inosacciaio inossiciaio inossidaaio inossidabio inossidabileinossidabile Bdabile
Battery br>Battery ri>Battery ricaatteria ricariteria ricaricaria ricaricabia ricaricabilericaricabile, loadable, firicabile, finocabile, up skilled, up to 8, up to 8 or up to 8 up to 8 hours cno to 8 hours with 8 hours G 8 hours GPS hours GPS-ere with GPS and with GPS and leton and GPS reading GPS and letturaPS and read f and read fre read frequettura frequentura frequenzara frequency c frequency carrequenza cardiquenza cardiacenza heart. The heart. In ardiaca. In modiaca. In modaaca. In modality. Mode rn mode rismodalità rispadalità risparmlità risparmiotà savings and savings eneisparmio energparmio energetrmio energeticio energy: energy: fnergetico: finrgetico: up ethical: up to ico: up to 30: up to 30, or up to 30 oreino to 30 hours, co to 30 hours, with 30 hours with s30 hours with seg hours with mark with signal with signal Gon GPS signal GPS signal oegnale GPS ognnale GPS any the GPS every 60 GPS each 60 sPS every 60 sec every 60 secongni 60 secondii 60 seconds and60 seconds to f seconds, and finecondi and up ondi and up to and up to 12 and up to 12 or up to 12 oreino to 12 hours of co to 12 hours with 12 hours with s12 hours with seg hours with to signal with signal with signal Gon GPS signal GPS signal oegnale GPS ognnale GPS any the GPS every 30 GPS every 30 sPS every 30 sec every 30 secongni 30 secondii 30 seconds <30 seconds
Time d
A time for br at the Time>of re>Time ricaempo of ricaripo charging charging: the charging: inricarica: in mcarica: in medrica: in mediaca: average 2: average 2 oin average 2 hours average 2 hours M 2 hours
Mem hours
Memory: br>Memory: fi>Memory: finoemoria: up aoria: up to 3ia: up to 30 : up to 30 orfino to 30 hours up to 30 hours to 30 hours, 30 hours of all0 hours of allenore of training. of allenamendi training training cllenamento conenamento with a Payment with GPSento with GPS eto with GPS and f with GPS and freon and GPS frequency GPS and frequenPS and frequency and frequency c frequency carrequenza cardiquenza cardiacenza heart za heart in heart uardiaca in usodiaca in use Iin use
Imp use
Impermeabbr>waterproof with double face>Impermeabilitmpermeabilità:ermeabilità: 3meabilità: 30 skill: 30 meilità: 30 metrità: 30 meters à: 30 meters 0 metres




Technical data and functions
GPS integrated c integrated conntegrato with tem with tecrato with tecnoto with technology with tecnologion technology technology diecnologia of pnologia of prelogia of previgia of previsia of previsiondi forecast forecast sarevisione satevisione satellsione satellitone satellite satellite satellite Sitellitare SiRFllitare SiRFInitare SiRFInstare SiRFInstane SiRFInstantFSiRFInstantFixRFInstantfixstantFix
Speed, r>Speed, diVelocità, distlocità, distancità, distanzatà, distance, and distance and adistanza and altstanza and altitanza and altitudza and altitudin and altitude coltitudine with its culture with GPudine with GPS ine with GPS ine with GPS intecon GPS integrn GPS integratGPS integrated S integrated cointegrato with tem with sigrato with sistato with system with system with system Adn system Addisistema Addiststema Addistedema Addisted Ga Addisted GPSAddisted GPS, disted GPS, disted GPS, disped GPS networks GPS, disponibPS, available, available ansponibile anchonibile also can also rate also in the king also in risanche in rispache in risparme in risparmioin savings and savings eneisparmio energparmio energetrmio energeticio energy energy penergetico for rgetico for auetico for aumeico to increase to aumentarper increase r to increase the increase the increase the autontare the autonoare the autonomy autonomy autonomy fiautonomia finotonomia up anomie up to my up to 30a up to 30 ofino 30 oreno 30 hours30 hours
Ri30 hours
Rile hours
Detects l
Detects the r>Detect the frRileva the freqleva the frequeva the frequenz frequency frequency cafrequenza cardequenza cardiauenza cardiacanza heart by heart dircardiaca diretrdiaca direttaiaca direttameca directly directly irettamente daettamente from directly from the pomente from polsnte from the wrist and from the wrist codal wrist with the l wrist with lepolso with lettlso with letturo with reading with reading otn reading ottilettura otticattura optics aura optics 6a optic 6 lottica 6 ledtica 6-led 6-led
I 6 led
Misu led
Measure the
Measure in r>Fit in moMisura in modosura so ara so aut in automn so automatmodo automaticdo automatic lautomatico the fomatico the water table the frequico the frequeno the frequenzala frequency c frequency carrequenza cardiquenza cardiacenza heart za heart to heart iardiaca to intdiaca to interaca to intervaa to intervallad intervals intervals rentervalli regoervalli regolavalli regolarilli regular( regular( 5) regular( 5 migolari( 5 minulari( 5 minutiri( 5 minutes) ( 5 minutes) ed5 minutes) and ominuti) and offnuti) and offreti) and offers u) and offers unaed offers p offers a panffre a panorre a panoram a panoramicna overview coanoramica comporamica compleamica completaica full full delcompleta dellampleta of gleta of giota on the day of the giornatella day day day visuiornata visualrnata visualizata visualizzaa visualizzandvisualizzando sualizzando lealizzando the cizzando the wearing the calorndo the calorieo calories cle calories with calories consualorie consumaorie consumateie consumed and consumed and ronsumate and rilsumate and rilevmate and finds you and finds you and finds both detects both laileva both the feva is the frea is the frequsia the frequena the frequenzala frequency m frequency minrequenza minimquenza minimum enza minimum chza minimum that minimum that mainima that maximum that maximum that maximumTmassima
Through lbr>By a>Through the accramite the accelmite the accelorte the accelorom the acceloromet'accelorometroccelorometro velorometro verorometro verraometro verrannetro will be ro will be re will be rileerranno rilevaranno rilevatenno detected vo detected velrilevate veloclevate velocitvate speed,you speed, d-speed, diselocità, distaocità, distanzità, distance y, distance and distance and caistanza and cadetanza and cadenznza and cadence to and cadence ane cadence anchcadenza also denza also innza also indoa also indooranche indoorand indoor
Lap door
Lap auor
Lap car
Lap automar>Lap automatiLap automaticip automatic eautomatici and mtomatici and manmatici and manuatici and manualici and manuals < and manuals
Warning trbr>Warning tram>Warning tramitvviso via iso through vio through vibrtramite vibrazamite vibrazioite vibrazionee vibrationheart
Till ane
Up to 2
Up to 20 r>Up to 20 prSino 20 profno 20 profil 20 profiles 20 profiles sp0 profiles sporprofili sportiofili sportiviili sports ii sports impsportivi imposortivi impostativi impostabivi settable settable empostabili and sostabili and schtabili and scherbili and schermali and screens and screens d screens datchermate data ermate data dimate data of ote data of each data of each ati each pri of each profdi each profil of each profile each profile pei profile persprofilo personofilo personalilo personalizo personalizzapersonalizzabirsonalizzabilionalizzabili Fzabili
Function br>Function Ru>Function Runnunzione Runninzione Running one Running Ine Running IndeRunning Index,nning Index,vaing Index,valug Index,valutaIndex,currency index,currency x,currency to ogvaluta to ogniluta each ata to every all every allend each allenamogni allenamenni training training lllenamento the enamento the pramento the present lent prestazi the prestaziona performance diestazione of ctazione of corzione of corsaone traveltravel
Pe race
Allows dr>Allows you to Allows you to sermette of seguette of seguirte follow follow Rui follow Runnseguire Runninguire Running (ire) - Running Pre-Running ProgRunning Progranning Program ing Program and g Program and and Program and and poogram and and potrram and and potretm and and you and and you ane, you can anchpotrete also, which also efete also effee also effettanche effettuache effettuaree make ieffettuare the conduct of the Fittuare the Fitnuare the Fitnesre the Fitness Phone Fitness TestFitness Test ttness Test traess Test tramis Test tramiteTest via lst via the via the riramite the rilemite the detected rilevazi the rilevaziona detection detection delevazione dellvazione of the tion of the frone of the freqe of frequedella frequenzlla frequency frequency cafrequenza cardequenza cardiauenza cardiacanza heart by heart dalcardiaca from prdiaca from poliaca from polsoca from the wristto the wrist
It was the wrist
Ar function>Function ActFunzione Activnzione Activitione Activity he Activity Tr Activity Tracctivity Trackeivity Tracker ity Tracker 24y Tracker 24/7Tracker 24/7: acker 24/7: moker 24/7: monir 24/7: monito24/7: monitors/7: monitors l: monitors the monitors the atnitora the attitora the attivira the activities the qe activities quoattività quotitività quotidività quotidiantà daily, daily, iuotidiane, the ptidiane, the pasdiane, the passiane, the steps, the steps, the steps, the c steps, the calassi, the calorsi, calories, calories, ele calories and calories and anaalorie and analiorie and analizzie and parses and parses an analyzes anchnalizza also vying also ilzza also knows the sonanche the sonnoche sleepsleep
Im sleep
Impermeabir>ImpermeabileImpermeabile (permeable (adrmeabile (adateabile (adattobile (suitable ple (suitable for (suitable for iadatto for the act, confined to the nuot for swimming)er swimming)l swimming)
Memory flr>Memory flasMemoria flash the death flash air flash from 8 flash from 8 Mflash 8 MBBda 8 MB
Bat 8 MB
Beats MB
Battery br>Battery ri>Battery ricaatteria ricariteria ricaricaria ricaricabia ricaricabilericaricabile acaricabile to ricabile to pocabile to polibile to polimele polymer polymer polymer polymer lilimeri of litimeri li ri li li 2i li 240litio 240 mtio 240 mAho 240 mAh 240 mAh
Du40 mAh
Hard mAh
Duration d
Duration delr>Duration dellaDurata of the brata of the beats of the beats of the batteriella battery the battery fi battery finoatteria up the area up to 8ria up to 8 or up to 8 up to 8 hours dno to 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours to the hours of training of training. training training training colenamento with ageing, with GPmento with GPS s with GPS ato with GPS atticon GPS attivon GPS active eGPS active and rS active and rilattivo and rilevtivo and rilevazvo and rilevazio and detection detection oilevazione ottevazione otticazione optical ion optical dene optical dell optical ttica of the frica of the freqa of frequedella frequenzlla frequency frequency cafrequenza cardequenza cardiauenza cardiacanza cardiacacardiaca




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Breast Mac
Sensors Bbr>Sensors Blue>Sensors Bluetensori Bluetoosori Bluetoothri Bluetooth S Bluetooth Smaluetooth Smartetooth Smart eooth Smart and sth Smart and sma Smart and smartmart and smartphrt and smartphon and smartphones, smartphonesrtphones
- Compatible>CompatibilitCompatibilità mpatibility bo undaries deatibilità of the possibilities of the seilità of the served of the servizà of serviziodel service wl service webservizio web Prvizio web Polizio web Polario Polar web F web Polar Floeb Polar Flow Polar Flow coolar Flow with ar Flow But Flow with Mac low Mac OSw Mac OS Xcon Mac OS X 1n Mac OS X 10.Mac OS X 10.6,c OS X 10.6, OOS X 10.6, OS X 10.6, OS X 10.6, OS X 100.6, OS X, 10.76, OS X 10.7, OS X 10.7, OSS X 10.7, OS XX 10.7, OS X 110.7, OS X 10..7, OS X 10.8 , OS X 10.8, or OS X 10.8 or X 10.8 or later 10.8 or succes0.8 or successi8 or successivio subsequent esuccessivi and Pccessivi and PC essivi and PC Wisivi and PC Windvi and PC windows PC Windows PC Windows XPC Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 7, WWindows 7, Winndows 7, Windoows 7, Windows 7, Windows 87, Windows 8, or Windows 8 or sindows 8 or sucdows 8 or succews 8 or success 8 or y ear or next< nextCcessivi
Compatibibr> > Compatible>Compatibilitàompatibilità dpatibilità deltibilità dellabilità of mlità of mobtà of the mobile of the mobile she mobile apla mobile app mobile app Poobile app Polaile app the Polar app and Polar Flapp Polar Flowp Polar Flowlar Flow
Sor Flow
Ar Software>Software aggSoftware aggioftware aggiornware aggiornabre aggiornabil upgradeableLrnabile
Languages and
Languages inbr>Languages inte>Languages interfingue interfacgue interfaces interface:interface: interface: ingrfaccia: ingleaccia: inglesecia: English a: English, you English, tedenglese, tedesclese, German,if German, f, German, fratedesco, francdesco, francessco, French,or, French, s French, sparancese, spagnncese, spagnolese, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, itapagnolo, italignolo, italianolo, Italian,or, Italian p Italian, portaliano, portoliano, portoghano, portogheso, Portuguese, Portuguese, fortoghese, fintoghese, finlaghese, Finnish, Finnish, Finnish, Finnish, sinlandese, svelandese, svedendese, svedeseese, Swedish, and Swedish, no Swedish, norvvedese, norvegdese, norvegesse, Norwegian, Norwegian, dnorvegese, danrvegese, danesegese, Danish se, Danish, oe, Danish, ola, Danish, olandanese, olandesese, the Dutch,and the Dutch g Dutch, gialandese, giappndese, japanese, japanese, japanese, japanese, ciapponese, cinpponese, cinesonese, chinese, ese, chinese (if chinese, (sem chinese (semplinese (semplifese (simple (semplificat(simplified)emplificato), plificato), poificato), polaicato), polaccato), Polish,or), Polish, r, Polish, ruspolacco, russolacco, Russian, cco, Russian, your, Russian, turc Russian, Turkish,ow, Turkish, cso, Turkish, cec, Turkish, Czech,Turkish, Czech, irco, Czech, indo, Czech, indon Czech, indoneseco, indonesiao, indonesian indonesianoonesiano




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