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Cod: 00000000028658 - Art: 92539 -

Cc Moore

Extract liquid Bloodworm

CC Moore Liquid Bloodworm Extract

Cc Moore

Cod: 00000000028658
Art: 92539

Extract liquid Bloodworm

product not available

This product contains extract of Bloodworm, proteins and stimulants, with a profile that is natural food without oil.

The CC Moore Liquid Bloodworm Extract lends itself perfectly for use in bags of PVA. The density is accurately calculated of this product ensures that a proportion of the liquid to be absorbed by the bait while the rest is dissipated by creating strong attraction in the surrounding area.

Theextract liquid Bloodworm product from CC Moore is an extract incredibly versatile it can be added to pellets, particles and spod mix.

Data sheet

Quantity: 500 ml

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